The project “Kids have stress too!” has been designed and implemented for Thalassaemia major children at Kashif Iqbal Thalassaemia Care Centre, since September 2015.

The project has two important elements.
1. Implementing & assessing the program’s activities from the perspective of children’s psycho-social well-being.
2. Developing the research for disseminating the program’s findings in order to support psycho-social health of Thalassaemia children in various other centers across Pakistan.
Through our interventions, I am hopeful & determined to improve the psycho social well-being of all the participants (children) at Psycho Social Well-Being House (PSWH) of KITCC.
Dr. Asma Makhani (MBBS)
– Founder-Director-Psychosocial Wellbeing House (Kids have stress too!)
– Founder -CEO- The Buttercups (Child & Family Psychosocial Well Being Services)
– Human Development & Family Science Consultant
– Former Research fellow, Tufts University, Boston, USA
– Neuro linguistic program –ABNLP & Hypnosis practitioner
– Public Health Practitioner